Ultrasonic Rodent Direct Plug in Repeller

This Ultrasonic Rodent Direct Plug in pest control device has been specifically designed to get rid of rodents in your house and by rodents I mean the most common ones which are mice and rats.

These pests usually bring in a lot of diseases and as such should be avoided at all costs.

There are different ways that you can use to get rid of them but considering the use of traps well after you have caught them then you again have to touch them meaning getting into contact with them which can be hazardous especially if they are carrying diseases.

The use of poisons and chemicals is also not advisable and if your kids happen to get them you know what happens.

The Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller direct plug in comes as a unit of a single speaker and there is also an option of purchasing three speaker units for maximum efficiency. Once it has been plugged in the outlet and turned on, it immediately starts to emit very high ultrasonic sound waves that are the range of 30 KHz to 60 kHz.

These waves in turn make the environment in which the rodents are in to be hostile and are therefore repelled. These sounds just like those from most Rodent Repellers, are not harmful to the normal human being and even to your pets and kids, although there is an exception to this in that there are rodent pets that are affected by these sounds and some of them are like the gerbils and hamsters.

These sounds just like those from most Rodent Repellers, are not harmful to the normal human being and even to your pets and kids, although there is an exception to this in that there are rodent pets that are affected by these sounds and some of them are like the gerbils and hamsters.

Place these speakers in the direction where the rats and mice are concentrated the most and see the rodents run away for safety.

Just like the same way other Ultrasonic Rodent Repellers work these sounds and waves travel well in a straight line and therefore it is important not to have stuff in the house that is going to obstruct the movement of these waves.

Also the other issue is that soft materials like curtains, clothes and the like usually absorb these waves and if you place it in a room with all these then you will end up writing a negative rodent repeller review and

Also the other issue is that soft materials like curtains, clothes and the like usually absorb these waves and if you place it in a room with all these then you will end up writing a negative rodent repeller review and clam that it does not work when in the actual fact it is you the user that have not used it properly. This device works and it works very perfectly.

As I said earlier it is very effective for mice and rats. It will be more effective if you purchase a unit of three speakers.

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